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[Tun信息] 【08.09.02】因Navigator节目播后TIK与TUN引发的善举(已翻译)

发表于 2008-9-2 14:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
来自官网aeah带来的信息:http://www.navigatortiktun.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=55&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=70' D5 _3 H3 D, T+ A8 b  u+ t, {
- A4 T: @( T& v5 }$ S4 s
Just a lovely story from Sueb Foundation to commemorate his passed away and his preservation works on Sept 1. This story has happened from a kind heart of the girl who watched the Navigator program {May 08’s trip} which is more or less encouraged her to do something for the nature. Tik and Tun should be very proud of what they have contributed, even if it is just for a tiny tiny part but it’s cool!  `  b/ L7 I$ U7 Y
这个可爱的故事,是Sueb Foundation为了纪念他走过的路和他所从事的环护事业在9月1日发表出来的。这个故事来自一个怀有善良之心的女孩子,她看过 Navigator在5月8日的一期节目,这个或多或少促使她想为自然做些力所能及的事,TIK和TUN也为他们所做得感到骄傲,即使她只是个小女孩,但却非常有意义。
, }1 ~' [1 e. G
4 w+ J7 a, \3 j  k0 H
Just to protect the jungle, you have done beyond a sympathy保护森林,你的举手之劳!: H, i1 d& c; @3 H* a( F1 U$ |* Q
+ R; U0 V/ v1 h* ~
& ?: `4 G( J5 k+ C
4 K4 ]+ N* d+ b& ]: G% O
The little girl in her school uniform has been standing in front of the Seub Foundation booth. The less than 10 years old girl kept staring at the donation box, her eyes showed that she was wondered. She asked me if this is the foundation that was in the program of the famous star {Tik} on the previous holiday4 T  v' H* Z4 ^. Z
这个小女孩身着校服,一直站在the Seub Foundation 摊位前,她看上去还不满10岁,眼睛盯着捐款箱,但看得出她在犹豫,小女孩问我这个组织就是前不久假期那个著名的明星(TIK)节目里的吗?
* d; y9 Z2 _1 A% B! e
I nodded and answered, yes9 z" _" u/ o& h
我点点头说是的) @8 {+ Q: d( y( X) [, `
She was hesitated for a while before opening up her purse, searched and then she put an amount of coins into the donation box! q! a) g/ O+ i
她在打开钱包前,犹豫了一会,然后在找了一翻后把一打硬币放进了捐款箱。& _1 e) x- v- [: z- ~3 G
“I want to help saving the jungle too ka”/ f8 A- w  b( @( R/ h
“我也想为拯救自然出一份力”这个小女孩说。: s' y  U) A% ]' u; G4 q* r
She said with a shyly smile then she ran away to catch up with her friends, the group went ahead and was at the other booth+ m- I9 E! s) l4 g( U' M+ o, N; X
! z3 k: o; |) I0 [Although the donation amount just enough for buying some desserts but it is the money of a little girl who concerns on natural preservation. She represents the people in the society and this made our officer in the foundation realized that we have not waste our time working on this at all, as there are people from the social noticed, understand and support what we have been doing. And this is the encouragement which keeps us going on with the aim to save our natural resources, trees and wild animals to be with us forever" Q9 R  A1 M" c5 N# Q+ i* g9 N; c9 p
3 R4 F0 X( |! |, v: P  ]Thank you every support and contribution on saving the jungle, you can do better than sympathy
; I% x1 T3 |$ D2 b2 h7 d% N感谢每一个支持和为拯救自然贡献过力量的人。
- D4 [$ M% P- D6 w) F+ XAn Officer from Central Unit, Sueb Nakasatien Foundation+ R( F3 e0 Y: e* _
9 j3 d+ [) N$ }5 x
source: http://www.seub.or.th/article/features/ ... 1213089051
3 M; W- L! W8 k3 d# G0 Q1 F- B- C# {- b
thank you  k chani for sharing
3 F! L* k' {8 `谢谢 k chani的分享" E8 g( g4 B+ H

5 w! C0 S5 |9 ?6 e1 }[ 本帖最后由 susu_hela 于 2008-9-2 18:13 编辑 ]


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发表于 2008-9-2 15:34 | 显示全部楼层
这个可爱的故事,是Sueb Foundation为了纪念他走过的路和他所从事的环护事业在9月1日发表出来的。这个故事来自一个怀有善良之心的女孩子,她看过 Navigator在5月8日的一期节目,这个或多或少促使她想为自然做些力所能及的事,TIK和TUN也为他们所做得感到骄傲,即使她只是个小女孩,但却非常有意义。
7 C% U7 ^! P3 l2 z8 T这个小女孩身着校服,一直站在the Seub Foundation 摊位前,她看上去还不满10岁,眼睛盯着捐款箱,但看得出她在犹豫,小女孩问我这个组织就是前不久假期那个著名的明星(TIK)节目里的吗?' G4 d  F2 d8 G! ^" U
: y9 j+ J2 Q; x- z
8 X) @( {) ^) ~! l) ^; s“我也想为拯救自然出一份力”这个小女孩说。
9 t) @# B; A$ P2 z; p5 y她说的时候带着羞涩的笑容然后跑着赶上她的朋友去了,这对人继续向前去了另一个摊位。1 b' E9 b6 I8 T6 b2 {% Y0 B
她的捐款虽然只够买一些甜点,但却代表着小女孩为保护自然尽自己绵薄之力的一份心意。她代表着我们这个社会的人们,使得我们认识到自己从事的工作没有在浪费时间。因为大家都在关注、理解、支持我们所做的。这是对我们的一种鼓励让我们朝着拯救自然、树木和野生动物的目标继续前进。% w$ c8 j9 F  G+ k
5 _$ C; u/ i0 X4 E. `! B( ^

1 T$ z( s: G. J[ 本帖最后由 CiCi918 于 2008-9-2 17:39 编辑 ]
发表于 2008-9-2 15:45 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-9-2 15:55 | 显示全部楼层
可爱的小女孩  TIK和TUN也应该很高兴 自己所做的得到认可  谢谢楼主的分享
发表于 2008-9-2 16:56 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-9-2 17:19 | 显示全部楼层
TIK 一定很高兴,保护环境,人人有责
发表于 2008-9-2 17:24 | 显示全部楼层

  n2 ~" n3 k" @+ p, {% W' _两兄弟真不错,这样滴生活态度偶喜欢,热爱生活,热爱大自然
发表于 2008-9-2 18:09 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-2 18:15 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-9-2 18:33 | 显示全部楼层
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